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Nursing Student and Mom of 2 Becomes a Musician at 27 years old

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Nursing Student and Mom of 2 Becomes a Musician at 27 years old

August 13
12:24 2022
Mei Tar Elbaz is using music to heal her soul and she is eager to share it with the whole world.

It is no longer news that people turn to the arts as a form of relief while going through challenging times in their lives. Moreover, it is generally accepted that some of the best work of arts in existence where created during a difficult time period in the creator’s life. For Mei Tar Elbaz, the story is no different from the many people all over the world who have turned to the healing power of music. 

Mei Tar did not set out to be a musician, however. In addition to solely caring for her children while her husband pursues a career in medicine, the mom of two is also studying to become a nurse, a profession that is far removed from music. Still, her journey into music started with her putting out a song for her daughter titled “I Held You.”


Her second music titled “Court St.” came about after she went through a really tough and lonely pregnancy with her son. As to what inspired the song, the music writer says, “On our first date, my husband and I watched Beauty and the Beast on Court St. in downtown Brooklyn. We went through some really hard times in our marriage and this song is all about going back to a place that gave me comfort.”

The lyrics of “Court St.” features moving words like “Take me back to that night on Court St., where you believed you were the one for me, when beasts were only figments in movies, and all you saw in me was beauty.”


Mei Tar describes music as being healing for her and she plans on using it as aid to navigate this present challenging period of her life. Besides, she shows no signs of stopping music anytime soon. In her own words, “There is a lot more music coming, and this is just the beginning for me.”

To keep up with Mei Tar and her music, please follow her on Instagram.

Media Contact
Company Name: Mei Tar
Contact Person: Meitar Elbaz
Email: Send Email
Phone: 3476310062
Country: United States
